In Europe and the rest of the world feel free to contact the seller before buying so we can find you the best price and option.
Seller is not held responsible for any delay during the shipping process; customs or other.
Buyer is responsible for any customs or import taxes that may apply.
In case of loss or damage during shipping, please contact Seller as soon as your parcel has arrived/seems to be missing.
If for some reason the Buyer is not happy with the product, please contact Seller.
In case of return, item(s) must be returned within 14 days of having arrived. Refund will be given as Money Back once item(s) have returned to Seller in same condition as when purchased. Shipping method must be same as when purchased (i.e. insured, tracked, properly packaged).
Return shipping will be paid by Buyer. Any additional costs, such as customs fees, VAT or other additional costs will be paid by Buyer.